LV 8.2 niswdk.dll crash
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Chad PSE
2007-01-31 14:40:17 UTC
Hi Brian,
There was a similar issue in the past, but the blue screen only occurred when trying to initialize a switch with the PXI chassis powered off.  Also, this issue was fixed with NI-SWITCH 2.3.
Is it possible you are intermittently attempting to initialize a switch with the PXI chassis powered off?
What version of NI-SWITCH is installed on your computer?
Chad Erickson
Switch Product Support Engineer
2007-01-31 19:40:17 UTC

Thanks for uploading the zip archive. The Switch Software group is already
analyzing the crash dump, and most likely we will come back with a few more
questions for you to better understand the system and the context in which this
crash happens.

I wanted to briefly respond to your question about the different memory dump
configurations. I am sure that you will be able to find a more complete set of
answers to this question elsewhere on the web, but in short, the three
different options provide three different contexts that help developers debug
kernel crashes on Windows. The mini dump provides the state of registers and
the function stack trace where the fault occurs. The kernel dump provides the
picture of the complete Windows kernel allowing the developers to see more of
this part of the system when the system failure happens. The complete dump
gives the view of the entire memory with all user mode and kernel mode
processes that were loaded at the time of the crash.  It might be obvious
that the different options result in significantly different memory dump file
sizes, Sometimes the mini dump will be all it takes to identify an issue, but
other times it might require a bigger picture (the kernel, and then the whole
system) - it depends.

Chad PSE
2007-02-01 06:40:10 UTC
Hi Brian,
Thank you for your help so far.  I have some additional questions.  Each one is important to assist R&D in isolating the specific cause of this issue.
1) Do you see the crash as soon as you start your application or do you have to leave it running for a while?2) If the crash is happening while the application is running, have you enabled your machine to go to sleep or hibernate after a period of time?3) Do you know what calls you are making right before the crash?  Is it a NI-SWITCH Initialize call by chance? 4) Did anything trigger this blue screen - for example, did you install a new version or NI-SWITCH or NI-Serial (or any other software)?5) Do you believe the power sequence has somehow triggered this crash?  The description you gave before is a little confusing:
"It is possible that power was toggled on the machine. The entire machine is normally left on. When powering up, there are procedures to start the PXI rack before starting the computer. However since we are still in preproduction, some engineers are still mucking with the system and toggling power. Since the PC is on a back-up power supply, it never restarts.I have noticed that the PXI ceases to communicate with the PC if power is interrupted. ". Please let me know if you're able to recreate the crash with a certain power sequence.  Also, any additional information you can give us referencing what you are doing in your application and when you are seeing the crash will assist R&D in isolating the problem.
Thanks again!
Chad EricksonSwitch Product Support EngineerNI - USA
Chad PSE
2007-02-06 18:40:13 UTC
Hi Brian,
It appears your zip file (<a href="http://brianrose.net/data/STA10034_Crash.zip" target="_blank">http://brianrose.net/data/STA10034_Crash.zip</a>) is corrupted.&nbsp; I am not able to open it with WinZip.&nbsp; Can you attempt to upload it again?&nbsp; Either that or include the VI as an attachment in your next post?
Chad Erickson
Switch Product Support Engineer
Chad PSE
2007-02-16 19:10:21 UTC
Hi Brian Rose,
I believe the issue here is&nbsp;you have a MXI link (MXI-4) connecting your PC to a PXI chassis. In this case, the only supported way of power-cycling the PXI chassis is to power down the host computer, cycle power on the PXI chassis, and then power up the host CPU again.
Power cycling the PXI chassis with a live host is not a&nbsp;supported procedure, and will likely never be supported,&nbsp;as it&nbsp;severs the PCI bridge connection to the PXI chassis. Most computers, and OSes, won't expect this to happen since all devices on that PCI bus are usually restricted to the same chassis (all devices are powered down and up at the same time). Rebooting the PXI chassis with the host computer still active will often result in a hang though the behavior would be system specific. In your case, you do not have a hang until you call into a specific driver in a certain configuration.
I would like to try reproducing your issue to see if I can get similar behavior, but I am not able to download your VI due to a corrupt STA10034_Crash.zip.&nbsp; If you're able to fix this problem, I will be happy to give it a shot!
Thanks and best regards,
Chad EricksonSwitch Product Support EngineerNI - USA&nbsp;
Chad PSE
2007-03-13 15:40:17 UTC
Hi Brian,
I finally got around to testing the crash in my free time.&nbsp;&nbsp;Was&nbsp;RelayOperate.vi the only VI in the .zip file?&nbsp; It was the only one I&nbsp;found.&nbsp; Earlier in your posts, you described a procedure consisting of the following:
a) Start machineb) Turn off PXI chassisc) wait 30 secd) Turn on PXI chassise) wait 30 secf) run application (no problem)g) wait 30 sech) begin UUT test (crash!)I was hoping to reproduce the issue.&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm assuming the UUT test is performed by running RelayOperate.vi.&nbsp; Is this a correct assumption?&nbsp; In any case, I followed this procedure:
a) Start machineb) Turn off PXI chassisc) wait 30 secd) Turn on PXI chassise) wait 30 secf) run&nbsp;RelayOperate.vi (Error -200221 Max time exceeded)
Because the PXI chassis no longer communicates with the host computer, I expect this error.&nbsp; Is there anything else I should've done in order to get the blue screen?
Please let me know.&nbsp; Thanks!
Chad EricksonSwitch Product Support EngineerNI - USA

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Mister Rose
2007-03-13 20:40:19 UTC
That should have triggered it. Perhaps the problem is elsewhere. I
can send you other VIs, but they all use RelayOperate. The only other
function in the PXI chassis is RS-232, but I would expect the problem
in the NI-Serial module, not the NI-Switch module.Also, in my "run application" step the software resets the switch cards. Perhaps that is needed as a precursor to the crash?I can't attach the full application (too big). Does the crashdump give you a stack trace that tells you what VIs are involved?
2008-07-10 21:40:08 UTC
I'm having the same problem.&nbsp; I've had multiple blue screens with the "niswdk.dll" error.&nbsp; My problem was intermittent on one computer.&nbsp; I have had two other supposedly identical computers (same model #, same windows load)&nbsp;running the same hardware/software combo and had no issues.&nbsp; A third computer with a new PXI chassis is giving me repeated unavoidable blue screens.
I sent this email to my NI field sales engineer asking for help:

Actually, my computer blue screens every time I send a command to the RF switch. I just started testing this system using my desktop computer with an ExpressCard adapter that we received with the previous order and a third party pcie to expresscard card. We have had an inordinately difficult time getting these PXI chassis's to work reliably and really wish they could have had boring old GPIB communication.
Our steps so far, in chronological order:
1.) Test 1033 chassis 1 &amp; 2 in my desktop computer using expresscard adapter and a third party pcie to expresscard card. They both worked fine over the short duration of this test.
2.) Test 1033 chassis 1 &amp; 2 in lab computer #1 using expresscard adapter and a third party pcie to expresscard card. They both worked fine over the short duration of this test.
3.) Test 1033 chassis 3 in my desktop using expresscard adapter and a third party pcie to expresscard card. It worked fine over the short duration of this test.
4.) Test 1033 chassis 3 in lab computer #2 using NI pcie card. It worked fine over the short duration of this test.
5.) Had problems with PCIe communication related to duplicate aliases between DAQmx devices and PXI System under measurement and automation explorer which you helped resolve.
6a.) Failed attempt at long term testing using 1033 chassis 1 &amp; 2 in lab computer #1 using expresscard adapter and a third party pcie to expresscard card. Computer would blue screen periodically in unpredictable timing. Sometimes it would be after running for 1 hr, other times after a couple days.
7a.) Failed attempt at long term testing using 1033 chassis 1 &amp; 2 in lab computer #1 using NI pcie card. Computer would blue screen periodically in unpredictable timing. Sometimes it would be after running for 1 hr, other times after a couple days.
6b,7b.) While lab computer #1 was failing to run its test, lab computer #2 with 1033 chassis 3 was running fine for ~ 2 weeks continuously with no blue screens. When we changed lab computer #1's PCIe adapter from the expresscard to the NI PCIe card, we swapped lab computer #2's from the NI PCIe card to the expresscard PCIe adapter.
8.) We swapped lab computer #1 with a new computer, lab computer #3. Please note that all three lab computers were identical Dell desktops with identical windows profiles loaded. We then let 1033 chassis 3 in lab computer #2 using expresscard adapter and a third party pcie to expresscard card and 1033 chassis 1 &amp; 2 in lab computer #3 using NI pcie card run and both computers have now worked fine for ~ 1 week continuously. They are currently still running.
9.) Test 1045 RF switch chassis in my desktop using expresscard adapter and a third party pcie to expresscard card. My computer has blue screened each time I've tried to communicate with the chassis. Each switch successfully passed their self tests. The last time it blue screened it came up with an error which mentioned "niswdk.dll Address A67A07FA base at F6788000". After I rebooted and windows came back up I got the attached windows errors.
Please also note that the software running the two 1033 chassis's on the lab computers was the identical labview routine. The 1045 failures occur both using measurement and automation explorer to activate the switch as well as using the switch executive vi drivers.
I do not have a solution to the issue in item #9 and am highly reluctant to stop and/o
2008-07-11 17:10:16 UTC
Hi Dave,

I spoke with one of my coworkers, Neal, and he said you guys
resolved the problem on the phone. It looks like the blue screens were caused
by turning on the PXI chassis after the computer. The PXI chassis should always
be powered on before powering on the computer. If this problem comes back up
please let us know. Have a great weekend and take care.

