I'm having the same problem. I've had multiple blue screens with the "niswdk.dll" error. My problem was intermittent on one computer. I have had two other supposedly identical computers (same model #, same windows load) running the same hardware/software combo and had no issues. A third computer with a new PXI chassis is giving me repeated unavoidable blue screens.
I sent this email to my NI field sales engineer asking for help:
Actually, my computer blue screens every time I send a command to the RF switch. I just started testing this system using my desktop computer with an ExpressCard adapter that we received with the previous order and a third party pcie to expresscard card. We have had an inordinately difficult time getting these PXI chassis's to work reliably and really wish they could have had boring old GPIB communication.
Our steps so far, in chronological order:
1.) Test 1033 chassis 1 & 2 in my desktop computer using expresscard adapter and a third party pcie to expresscard card. They both worked fine over the short duration of this test.
2.) Test 1033 chassis 1 & 2 in lab computer #1 using expresscard adapter and a third party pcie to expresscard card. They both worked fine over the short duration of this test.
3.) Test 1033 chassis 3 in my desktop using expresscard adapter and a third party pcie to expresscard card. It worked fine over the short duration of this test.
4.) Test 1033 chassis 3 in lab computer #2 using NI pcie card. It worked fine over the short duration of this test.
5.) Had problems with PCIe communication related to duplicate aliases between DAQmx devices and PXI System under measurement and automation explorer which you helped resolve.
6a.) Failed attempt at long term testing using 1033 chassis 1 & 2 in lab computer #1 using expresscard adapter and a third party pcie to expresscard card. Computer would blue screen periodically in unpredictable timing. Sometimes it would be after running for 1 hr, other times after a couple days.
7a.) Failed attempt at long term testing using 1033 chassis 1 & 2 in lab computer #1 using NI pcie card. Computer would blue screen periodically in unpredictable timing. Sometimes it would be after running for 1 hr, other times after a couple days.
6b,7b.) While lab computer #1 was failing to run its test, lab computer #2 with 1033 chassis 3 was running fine for ~ 2 weeks continuously with no blue screens. When we changed lab computer #1's PCIe adapter from the expresscard to the NI PCIe card, we swapped lab computer #2's from the NI PCIe card to the expresscard PCIe adapter.
8.) We swapped lab computer #1 with a new computer, lab computer #3. Please note that all three lab computers were identical Dell desktops with identical windows profiles loaded. We then let 1033 chassis 3 in lab computer #2 using expresscard adapter and a third party pcie to expresscard card and 1033 chassis 1 & 2 in lab computer #3 using NI pcie card run and both computers have now worked fine for ~ 1 week continuously. They are currently still running.
9.) Test 1045 RF switch chassis in my desktop using expresscard adapter and a third party pcie to expresscard card. My computer has blue screened each time I've tried to communicate with the chassis. Each switch successfully passed their self tests. The last time it blue screened it came up with an error which mentioned "niswdk.dll Address A67A07FA base at F6788000". After I rebooted and windows came back up I got the attached windows errors.
Please also note that the software running the two 1033 chassis's on the lab computers was the identical labview routine. The 1045 failures occur both using measurement and automation explorer to activate the switch as well as using the switch executive vi drivers.
I do not have a solution to the issue in item #9 and am highly reluctant to stop and/o